Maternity International was founded to promote maternal and infant health and wellbeing, reduce global disparities in mortality and morbidity and to support community led and owned health care around the world. Women’s and children’s rights are at the centre of all I do.
Academic Publications
Walker, K., Pallotti, P,. (2023) Feasibility of a RCT of techniques for managing an impacted fetal head during emergency caesarean section: the MIDAS scoping study. Health Technol Assess. 27(6):1–87.
Mitchell E., Pallotti P., (2023A mixed-methods study to investigate feasibility and acceptability of an early warning score in neonatal units in Kenya: results of the NEWS-K study (in press) journal of epidemiology and global health.
Pallotti, P., Nabwera, H. et al. (2023) Integrating a newborn early warning scoring system in an LMIC: A qualitative study (awaiting peer review) JAN.
Jones, N., Pallotti, P., et al (2023) Glycaemic control in labour with Diabetes: a scoping study (GILD): Trial Protocol.
Mitchell, E., Pallotti, P. et al. (2022) The FEED1 trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of full milk feeds versus intravenous fluids with gradual feeding for preterm infants (30–33 weeks gestational age). BMC TRIALS. 23, 64.
Fitriana, F., Pallotti, P. (2022) Iron Supplementation for Non-anaemic Pregnant Women and The Incidence of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy (HDP): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis). Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction. 11(4) 165-174.
Sands., G., Pallotti, P. et al. (2022) Birth environments for women with complex pregnancies: A mixed-methods systematic review. Women and Birth. 36(1) 39-46.
Mitchell, E., Pallotti, P. et al. (2021) Parents, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders’ experiences of caring for babies born too soon in a low-resource setting: a qualitative study of essential newborn care for preterm infants in Kenya. BMJ Open. 11(6).
Mitchel, E., Pallotti, P. et al. (2021) Evaluation of an enhanced training package to support clinical trials training in low and middle income countries (LMICs): experiences from the Born Too Soon Optimising Nutrition study TRIALS I:
Hanley, S., Pallotti, P. et al. (2021) Managing an impacted fetal head at caesarean section: a UK survey of healthcare professionals and parents. BJOG EJOGRB-21-25454R1.
Mitchell, E., Pallotti, P. et al. (2020) Caring for babies born too soon in a low resource setting: a qualitative study of the dialectical relationship between clinical and family needs in caring for preterm infants in Kenya. BMJ open
Mitchell, E., Pallotti, P. et al. (2020) Development of an Early Warning Track and Trigger system for preterm or low-birth weight infants in a low resource setting: results of a mixed-methods study at a national referral hospital in Kenya. BMJ Open
Roberts, J., Pallotti, P. et al. (2020) A systematic review of supportive interventions to promote women’s comfort and wellbeing during induction of labour. Journal of Advanced Nursing
Roberts, J., Pallotti, P. et al. (2020) Women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour. Midwifery 10.1016/j.midw.2019.102626.Epub 2020 Jan 3.
Borrelli, S., Pallotti, P. et al. (2020) Childbearing women's views, experiences and decision-making related to epidural analgesia in labour: a mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Pallotti, P. (2019) The Birth of Blue Top Guidance. Midwives, Royal College of Midwives. May 2019.
Kennedy, M.C., Pallotti, P. et al. (2019) “If you can’t see a dilemma in this situation you should probably regard it as a warning”. A metasynthesis and theoretical modelling of general practitioners’ opioid prescription experiences in primary care. British Journal of Pain Aug;13(3):159-176.
Spiby, H., Pallotti P., et al. (2019) Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Midwifery Guidelines for Care in Labour and Birth and Induction of Labour. Blue Top Guidelines.
Arshad, F. and Pallotti, P. (2018) The experiences of pregnant migrant women in detention; a qualitative study. British Journal of Midwifery 26(9):591-596.
Pallotti, P. and Forbes, M. (2016) "Mothers in immigration detention. The most vulnerable and the hardest to reach. A case series review." Practicing Midwife. 19 (12). (republished:
Pallotti, P. (2016) Supporting young mothers who want to breastfeed. Practicing Midwife 19(4); 8-12
Pallotti, P. (2016) "A Midwife in Malawi". Midwifery Matters. 148; 11-13.
Pallotti, P. (2015) “Advocating for pregnant mothers in detention.” Midwifery Matters. 145; 10-12.