Dechi Poly Clinic, Nigeria

Maternity International have been working with the Dechi fund for over seven years, to provide essential maternity care in a remote area of the Eastern region of Taraba State in Nigeria. We are iteratively building capacity and training staff, as well as supporting infrastructure and policy development. This novel project aims to build a comprehensive primary and maternal and infant care clinic for an underserved population, using a cooperative model.

I have known Dr Phoebe Pallotti as a professional colleague for over ten years, first as PhD students at the School of Health at Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield and later as a colleague and an accomplished Professor of Midwifery. Dr Pallotti cares deeply about women's health globally, especially those in poorer settings. She has supported me in establishing maternity services and a health cooperative in a remote community in north-eastern Nigeria. She is a meticulous, hardworking and effective professional in providing and supporting others to provide high-quality and safe maternity services. Phoebe is an amiable friend, a gifted midwife, an excellent teacher and a passionate activist for safe motherhood.

Dr Muhammad Saddiq MB.BS, MPH, PhD, Course Director MSc International Health Management and Leadership