
I offer many types of data analyses, implementation science, primary research, quality improvement and stakeholder engagement. Please contact you have specific needs not listed here.

  • Primary Quality Improvement and Health Consultancy

    I offer, together or separately, research study design, data collection, trial analysis and 'big data' analyses, to produce comprehensive, contextually relevant implementation plans and service design to improve maternal and neonatal health. Remote or in-country work is possible. I prioritise stakeholder engagement and community mobilisation for sustainable improvement in all that I do.

  • Secondary Analysis, Project Assessment and Implementation Science

    Secondary data analysis (meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, sub-group analysis) and assessments of completed projects are done to time and budget, with clear recommendations for quality and service improvement delivered in an accessible format, with multiple executive summaries for different stakeholder audiences. I also have a network of policy and change makers to make sure improvements are implemented at every level.

  • Stakeholder Facilitation and Co-Production

    Dr Pallotti is an expert at stakeholder facilitation and co-production of maternity and infant health projects, with two successful companies built on this ideal. Working with marginalised groups, identifying and ameliorating structural inequalities and promoting social justice is a core part of all of my activities. Community buy-in is essential for sustainability and I start every project with this in mind.

  • Professional Training and Capacity Building

    I lead a very successful Cultural Competency and Safety training course for health care professionals in the UK, to improve the outcomes and experiences of parents of Colour. I also have extensive experience in international training in obstetric emergencies (with Making It Happen LSTM and other organisations) and over a decade's experience as a Higher Education lecturer and is a fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. I design bespoke and scalable education and training packages, either virtual or in person, to build capacity and increase health care professional skills in any reproductive health and infant care area.

Phoebe is an experienced midwife and researcher and always a pleasure to work with. She excels in qualitative methodology and, with a background in medical anthropology, has expertise both in theoretical and applied health research. Her advocacy work, particularly for supporting women and birthing people and Black and minority ethnic groups, is impressive. I have had the pleasure of working with her on several global health research projects, in low and middle income countries, where alongside the research project she has also taught and mentored staff in research techniques. She’s a great person to have on a team!

Dr Eleanor Mitchell, Associate Professor of Clinical Trials, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences